reply within 10 working days. E-mail sent should be written carefully, in the same
way as a letter written on school headed paper. It should follow the school ‘house-
style’. Staff sending emails to external orga
nisations, parents or pupils must cc. to
your line manager in the first instance.
Under no circumstances should staff contac
t pupils, parents or conduct any school
business using personal email addresses.
Telephone calls
Staff should take notes about the content of telephone calls, as they would with
meetings with parents. Deta
iled notes from telephone calls, including main points of
discussion and action required/taken
should be kept on student files.
Meeting with parents
Any parent wishing to meet with a member of staff should contact the school in
advance and request a meeting with the member of staff. This request should be
responded to within the usual communications protocols and in a timely manner.
Parents should not come to the school to talk to a member of staff without an
appointment. If a parent comes to the school without a prior appointment, the member
of staff may still choose to meet with them, but there is no expectation to do so.
Parents (like all visitors) should report to re
ception prior to meeting with a member of
staff. If the meeting is due to take place outside office hours, separate arrangements
can be made.
A member of staff may ask for thei
r line manager to accompany them.
If a meeting with a parent is taking place outside normal school hours, the member of
staff should try, where possible, to ensure that another colleague is nearby.
It is perfectly acceptable to call a meeting to a close in order to allow time for further
Staff should call a meeting to a close in the event of the parent becoming angry or
abusive. The member of staff should report such an incident to their line manager and
seek further advice. The line manager should either accompany the member of staff to
a further meeting with the parent or hold it without the original member of staff
We encourage all parents to inform the school of their current e-mail address, to allow
them access to parentmail, which is a quick and efficient method for the school to
communicate with parents. Those who do not have access to parentmail will receive
a paper copy of any correspondence.
Parentmail is used to send out a variety of information, either to a targeted group, or
to all parents on parentmail. The newsletter, information about whole school events
and all letters relevant to the whole school
are sent out to all parents on parent mail
and in addition, some specific communications
regarding trips and events are sent out
to the relevant groups of parents.
We aim to have 100% of parents signed up to parentmail to facilitate paperless
Social Networking Sites/Blogs etc
Staff will not communicate with parents or
pupils via social networking sites or
accept them as their “friends”. The except
ion is networks or blogs set up specifically
for the purpose of teaching and learning.